I believe we cannot have a full under­standing of human morality until we can explain why and how human beings are so powerfully affected by the sight of a stranger helping another stranger. For the past several years I have studied this feeling, which I call ‘ELEVATION.’ I have defined elevation as a warm, uplifting feeling that people experience when they see unexpected acts of human good­ness, kindness, courage, or compassion. It makes a person want to help others and to become a better person himself or herself.
— Jonathan Haidt


Together we believe in sharing our reality, our mistakes, and our lessons.

Over the years we have had amazing opportunities to learn from mentors, bosses, high performers, philosophers and tactical leaders. Our own mistakes, experiences, traumas and these influencers have shaped the way we show up and the skills we’ve developed to face and survive our somewhat overwhelming and daunting lives.

In an effort to invoke the act of passing it on, to encourage “elevation” (Johnathan Haidt on Elevation), or the third dimension of social cognition (Positive Psychology of Morality), we fall back on our number one Ethos value- to be vulnerable. We’ve realized over years of working with couples, families, responders, strained relationships, that although we all live very different lives with varied levels of turmoil and successes, we all really have versions of the same problems.

In our unfiltered, unedited, version of a podcast, we share what’s going on in our lives through weekly check-ins that touch on real, raw, unscripted, relatable struggles… cuz different lives, same problems.

We share the losses we face, the wins we celebrate, and we’ll touch on ways we’ve managed to get through the obstacles the week presented… not untarnished, but unharmed. Ready to move forward.

If one person listens, if one person hears something valuable or tangible to try, and if one person feels heard in the process, it’s a win for us.