“I said I was awesome. I didn’t say I had my sh*t together. ”
team work.
Life has dealt us difficult obstacles. Those difficult obstacles have played a huge part in the story of US. They are the reason we’ve met each other, have come together, the reason we continue to struggle, and the reason we continue to thrive.
One of the ways we thrive is by supporting others. And the passion we have to support other couples, is not driven by the fact that we think we know more than or are better than other couples, but quite the opposite… our drive to support others is simply because we are the same.
We are not untouched by life’s storms, and we do not rise above. We sink.
Then. We work. Hard. We build. Firmly. And then finally, we swim.
So, why come see us for couples coaching?
Well. Simply put, you are investing in reality, in a teamwork and growth mindset, and you will learn and understand how to live in discomfort and progress by diving into vulnerability with us. We offer real advice and failures. Real support. Real Understanding. Real Pain. Real Strength. Vulnerability is what makes sh*t work. And we are experts in that.
-Sammy and Dave
*Couples Coaching will provide you and your partner tangible and cognitive skills to better your communication practices, your empathy and compassion, and your confidence in one another, in order to find, enhance or rediscover engagement, purpose, ambition, and empowerment in your life together as a couple.*