"GOOD rain", what it means and why it matters.

For me, sharing is everything. 

The stories that follow are a collection of what I've experienced which have led me to the things that I contemplate, and ultimately result in what I believe. 

And I believe in two things:

One- Struggle gives you strength--pain gives you purpose-- there is meaning in suffering-- survival inspires courage--without darkness there is no such thing as light--there is GOOD PAIN, and thus, we must embrace GOOD RAIN.

Two- Life is about love in its rarest form--acceptance, respect, appreciation, kindness, care, compassion. Love is what unites us and what gives life to our world. And in the very least, we can all begin with acceptance.

I became a therapist to remind clients of those truths. When they are in their darkest hours and they are blinded by their broken past or fear of a dire future, it is my job to remind them that there is LIGHT. They are the light.

Sometimes the rain must come down in order to make way for the sun.

Listen to: "Good Rain" by Trevor Hall